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Eth0:2008 Summer/Workshops

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Workshops and Lectures

If you know something and would like to share it with the people on the campgrounds, organizing a workshop or a lecture is a piece of cake. There might be a possibility that the organisation is able to provide an indoor room with tables, seats, power and network, which could be used for this purpose. Another option is that, if you have a big enough tent or are able to find space in a large tent, you do your workshop or lecture in your own location. You are responsible for providing your own network/power/seats in this case. Furthermore, apart from an entry on the wiki and maybe a schedule on the main site (ical anybody?) you are responsible for your own promotion.


Use this space if you plan to give a workshop/lecture. Please note that this is just a preliminary registration, details will be subject to change in the future so keep an eye on this page if you intend to give a workshop/lecture

Subject:      Hardening exim
Author:       r3boot
Type:         lecture
Availability: Once or twice, depending on the attendance
Description:  This lecture will explain some techniques behind hardened exim. It will explain several header
              / sender / receiver based detection and blocking techniques. It will also explain how to use SpamAssassin
              and several virus scanners for added protection.
Subject:      Implementing anti-spam with exim
Author:       r3boot
Type:         workshop
Availability: Once or twice, depending on the attendance
Requirements: Machine with Exim, SpamAssassin, ClamAV and some commercial scanners. Some UNIX + rfc822 clue.
Description:  This workshop will show all techniques from the Hardening exim lecture in a step by step fashion.
Subject:      Setting up IDS systems with Prelude-IDS
Author:       r3boot
Type:         workshop
Availability: Once or twice, depending on the attendance
Requirements: Machine with Prelude-IDS (libprelude, libpreludedb, prelude-manager) and sensors
              (prelude-lml, snort, tarpitd, <tbd>).
Description:  This workshop will explain how to setup a prelude-ids framework.
              It will include configuration of several different sensors and will explain how to work with the
              framework to monitor networks and systems.
Subject:      Python3000 programming challenge
Author:       tehmaze
Type:         workshop
Availability: Once or twice, depending on the attendance
Requirements: A Python interpreter, Python 3.0a2 recommended. Will attempt to offer a shell box on the event 
              for those who can't run their own interpreter.
Description:  In this workshop we will study some real life usage examples. We will attempt to create a file-indexer 
              that will scan all available shared files on the LAN event. Everybody who knows Python, or wishes to get 
              to know Python can join in. Some programming experience is required.
Subject:      Gozerbot, a user and developers point of view
Author:       tehmaze, ]v[
Type:         lecture
Description:  gozerbot is a Python IRC and Jabber bot, which is very versatile