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eth0:2012 Summer

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Eth0:2012 Summer
Name Eth0:2012 Summer
Duration 2012/08/14 - 2012/08/18
Information Another awesome Summer event

* Location: het Boshuis, Noorderdijkweg 23, wieringerwerf, nl

Yes! This year we are going to organise your favourite event again and we need your help! Would you like to join the organisation? Send an email to bestuur[@] including who you are and what your skills are.

Eth0:2012 Summer is an outdoor high-tech geek conference planned for this summer. It aims toward sharing knowledge on tech/IT related fields including security, networks, programming, privacy, new (open) technologies, ethics and hacking. At daylight there are talks on these subjects, but when the sun goes down its definitely time to pick up the slack. There will be enough to do, as we have a bonfire, a fully equipped lounge (with bar) and an overload of hackerspace activity. Maybe someone brings along lasers and there is room to party. Enough reason to pick up the slack and go to Eth0?

The event starts at the 14th of august and will last for a full five days, one more than most of these camps. Its a Geek Certified Outdoor Camping Craze(tm): a.k.a. we're situated in a heavily forested area. The camp-site provides everything you might want. Such as showers, a conference hall, mosquitoes, a lounge, villages and enough grassy bits to set up your tent.

Want to join the fun? The five-day ticket costs 145 euro (135 euro if you order before the 1st of August) and is available at the ticket shop. Order now! ;) Want to know more about eth0? Check out the other wiki pages to see what we're up to!

Basic info

Day tickets

For those of you who unfortunately aren't able to come the whole week we created the possibility to buy day tickets. There is a 1-day ticket that costs 25 euro and doesn't include the possibility to sleep, and a 2-day and 3-day ticket including the 1 and 2 nights between the days that costs 60 euro and 90 euro respectively (65 and 95 euro after the 1st of August).

Design & Theme

As every event needs a little decoration, we encourage you to help the design team. The theme of this years Eth0 is "lights", bring your own (save, non-flammable, etc ;)) lights to add to the shininess of the event


More info abouts talks

Pratical lists


Hereby a list of communities who will be attending Eth0:2012 Summer You're more than welcome to start your own village. Just add yours

