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m (sale starts soon)
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>>> [[Eth0:2011_Winter|More info here...]]
>>> [[Eth0:2011_Winter|More info here...]]
| style="width:25%;vertical-align:top" |
| style="width:25%;vertical-align:top" |
* @ secret location in .nl<br />(will be revealed soon)
* @ De Panoven, Zevenaar<br />(near Arnhem / Germany)
* 14 jan 2011 - 16 jan 2011
* 14 jan 2011 - 16 jan 2011
* 48 hours (18:00-18:00)
* 48 hours (18:00-18:00)

Revision as of 14:48, 3 December 2010

Next event: eth0:2011 Winter
Eth0 2011-Winter logo.png

The winter 2011 event will follow up on previous Winter events. Its a light-conference; some workshops, great atmosphere, a lounge and a retro corner. We can welcome up to 120 people, including "luxurious" sleeping arrangements and noms for two days (2 x breakfast/lunch/dinner). Some works and decisions have to be done before more about 2011 Winter will be published [VERY VERY SOON NOW!]. Of course you can contact us if you want to join the crew or just want to hang out.

the Eth0 Crew

>>> More info here...

  • @ De Panoven, Zevenaar
    (near Arnhem / Germany)
  • 14 jan 2011 - 16 jan 2011
  • 48 hours (18:00-18:00)
  • Price: € 42,=
    (incl. bedding & all meals)
  • 120 tickets available
    (sale starts soon)

About eth0

eth0 organizes conferences that aim at bringing people together with different computer-related interests for an informative time and truckloads of fun. Our next conference, eth0:2011 winter is an indoor conference. It will take place somewhere mid-January 2011.

The eth0 community

The eth0 community keeps in touch via trips, holidays, birthdays and other events. You are invited to join and participate. Next up: eth0:2025 Autumn (31 October 2025)

Visit the Community Portal for cool stuff we pulled off, such as the LackRack, Gazebo Colo and more... *check it out*

Last event: eth0:2010 Summer

Eth0:2010 Summer in short: outdoor campsite, post-apocalyptic design, inspiring talks, a bar, lounge, retro tent, hardware hacking, radio studio, security, wifi and wired network, fablabtruck, hackerspace village, light-design, public bbq's, logistics and network operations, first-aid, hot showers, ticket and shirtshop, our own coins, wristbands, around 200 visitors and pretty nice weather.

Entrance.jpg Field.jpg Lounge.jpg Network.jpg Wristbands.jpg

Previous events
2010: 2009: 2008:

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