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Eth0:2019 autumn talks

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we're always interested in learning new skills, hearing about your projects, new developments, and all the stuff we still don't know enough about yet. If you want to be a speaker add your talk to the schedule.

No-prep workshops (where the “host” doesn’t need to prep, because he’s into it) are extremely welcome. Otherwise, if you have discovered something, have a project running or are involved into quality stuff; just give a workshop or factor it into a talk.



Time Who Subject
16:00 Everybody Builduip
18:00 Everybody ETH0:Autumn OPEN!
19:00 Dinner Dinner
21:00 Sebastius Opening
21:30 ? ?
22:30 ? ?
23:30 ? ?


Time Who Subject
? ? ?
19:00 Dinner Dinner
21:00 ? ?


Time Who Subject
? ? ?
16:00 Everybody Teardown and cleanup! Leave no trace!
18:00 Everybody Leaves. Hugs and kisses and bye!

Planned but currently not yet scheduled


time nickname talk
Boekenwuurm Colors to hack the brain
Niet zaterdag :P Anus (and more?) legacy & future plans
Jij? Eventuele opmerkingen


time nickname talk
Sake Block Wireshark
Ranzbak FPGA Workshop (presale in ticketshop only)
Jij? Eventuele opmerkingen