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Eth0:2021 Autumn

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Event Eth0:2021 Autumn
Name Eth0:2021 Autumn
Duration 2021/10/29 - 2021/10/31
Information A brand new Autumn event!

* Location: Your home!
* Open from: 18:00:00
* Ticket price: Soon
* Sign-up page: Soon

Dear eth0 friends, please read this message carefully. I’ll try and be brief where I can, and very clear in other places using a few more words. No TL;DR this time. You’re receiving this email because you bought a ticket and kept it (yay!), or you bought a ticket and cancelled it last year (that's all right, you can buy one right now at ).

The good news: we’re GO for eth0:2021! The weekend of 29-31 October we’ll meet at Beusinks’, Lievelde. We had a choice: to postpone again or to have our little party with a few adjustments. After a one and a half years of cancelled events and constant disappointments, we crave for an event to meet all our friends (you!) again. We NEED to see you all again .

However, there are a bunch of things we need to consider for the event. They all have to do with the ongoing COVID situation. We firmly believe that eth0:2021 is also for those with a less than optimal immune system.

First and foremost: if you believe Corona/Covid is ‘done’ or a hoax or something in this regard: please stay at home. Put bluntly: we don’t want your attendance and we’ll gladly refund you if you need us to. Please contact Bas (bas at this domain) with your ticket details and your bank account number. You can also choose to donate your ticket, please let us know and we’ll put the money to good use.

There will be some rules during the event.

Admission to the event: we require you to provide proof of vaccination or a recent corona test using the Dutch standard Corona-Checker or your ‘yellow booklet’. Second: before you’re allowed inside the venue, you’ll do a self-test and wait the 15 minutes. We’ll bring a few self-tests, but please bring one yourself. If your test is ‘positive’ for Corona: you cannot enter the event and we’ll refund your ticket. Yes, this is a double safety net. During the event, probably Saturday afternoon, we’ll ALL do another self-test. This is our third safety net. Again: we’ll buy a bunch but please bring your own to save cost for the event.

Social distancing and masks: indoors in the shared spaces, you’re required to keep some distance and wear a facemask (covering both nose and mouth). When eating/drinking, please keep more distance. Eating outside is preferred but being late October, who knows what the weather will do. Wearing a mask is not negotiable: if you cannot wear a mask, please stay at home. Outside there is plenty room for gezelligheid without masks, if the weather allows it (or maybe someone brings a nice party tent or two?)

Hygiene: In normal years we need this, and now we still need this. Wash your hands, you dirty hacker ;) . Beusink has agreed to open more showers/toilets than ‘normal’ years so there is enough capacity even with social distancing.

Sleeping: We’re limiting the amount of people per dorm-room to three or four (depending on the room). No masks while sleeping. The windows will have to remain open during the night so bring extra blankets. Another recommendation is bringing an air cleaner with a HEPA filter to scrub the dorm-room’s air. If your scrubber also has a carbon filter you will also smell fewer farts ;) Sidenote: if you’re up for a challenge and can bring a tent, you can also camp outside the venue! Safer ventilation-wise but a bit more work for you.

Please let Bas (bas at thisdomain) know if you’re sleeping outside, so we can plan this accordingly. If you’re sharing your 1% or 2% room with someone else, also let us know so we may be able to squeeze a few more people into the event (sleeping capacity is the hard limit).

Everywhere else we’ll also focus on ventilation, so please bring some warm clothes if the weather outside requires it.

Now for some seriously uncool news.

Limiting the amount of people at the venue has one nasty consequence: finance. Currently we’ve sold about 4300 euro’s worth of tickets and room-upgrades (the 1% and 2% rooms). There are about 25 tickets still up for grabs, which will bring in roughly 1200 euro. In total the income is about 5500 euro. The expense will be about 8000 euro (including food, excluding safety margin). The difference is 2500 euro in the red.

That means we’re desperately looking for a sponsor or two to end up in the positive. If you know a company interested in supporting the event in exchange for a banner somewhere, or any other cool and creative methods of representation, please contact Bas at bas at thisdomain .

All in all, we’re extremely excited to see you all again! We need this party to happen and we’ll do everything we can to make it a safe and fun event! We hope you will join us at eth0:2021 autumn. Bring your costume if that’s your thing, bring gezelligheid and a mask. It’s going to be a blast!

I hope to see all of you in high spirits soon,

Bas / Sebastius
