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Free Energy and Energy Deregulation

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Free Energy and Energy Deregulation

Free Electricity and Free Natural Gas... ?

YES! One company, Ambit Energy, offers low energy rates in comparison to the competition in any area they service.

YES! The same company, Ambit Energy, also offers FREE ENERGY, Free Electricity and Free Natural Gas to it's customers when they refer 15 paying customers to either or both of the services.

SO, if you know 15 people, you can have free electricity and or free natural gas every month that your 15 referred customers pay their Ambit Energy bill. What ever the average usage of your paying referrals is every month get credited to your Ambit Energy billed usage for the following month up to and including 100% free energy!

Now that is refreshing!

Fill out the form bellow to get enrolled for free energy today.

In a perfect world you would not need to pay for the simple natural resources provided by the universe... Right?

We sure are thankful no one thought of how to make us pay for the air we breath and the warmth of the sun and it's natural light...

In some places we are paying for the water we use...

If you want to claim back what is rightfully supplied to you by the universe as part of your birth right into this world it will take nothing short of a miracle...

Over the past few years there is a revolution that is taking the world by storm. It is called Energy Deregulation.

What is Energy Deregulation?

Basically it means that governments across the world are mandating break up of the energy monopolies that you were a hostage to until now.

It means that as your geographic area get deregulated you have a right to choose your energy company to purchase your electricity and natural gas from.

You have a choice to compare prices of different suppliers and decide who you buy your electricity and natural gas from.

You have a right to switch electricity company provider.

You have the right to switch natural gas company provider.

You can choose a new energy company.

What is exciting about having a choice is that now when the new energy company are in competition with one another trying to entice you as the customer to do business with them you benefit from their "bribe" to their customers and choose the new energy company that gives you the best terms and the best prices, or chose the new energy company that gives you incentives such as free electricity with referrals...

For example: there is electricity company that gives you one time $20 credit to your account every time you refer a new customer to them, sounds good... but if you check closely you will find out you will be charged a higher rate per kilowatt hour you use as their customer so the $20 may not be a great thing after all...

Or you'll find another company that offer a free Saturday usage of electricity, upon closer look you will see that they are also charging higher than others for the per kilowatt hour usage of their customers...

Some company offer travel rewards which lets you get points for the kilowatt hours they bill you for, and accumulating points can at some point be redeemed for discount travel... nice idea, however upon closer look they too charge higher than the other guys...

It's a whole new ball game to sort and figure out which is the best choice for your energy.

I have been following the energy deregulation for 6 years now...

I helped thousands of people make informed decisions about the new energy electricity and natural gas companies they switched to and are saving money with. I can tell you horror stories that I heard from many of my clients about how their electricity company mistreated them and made them pay much more than they really had to pay...

I want to give you my bottom line recommendation:

The company that advertise cheaper rates is not always really cheaper. You always want to look at the Energy Fact Lable of any Plan the company is advertising. Read all the small print. This is where all the hidden added charges must be disclosed.

Also compare the actual incentives and write it down in a math like equation. This will make it clearly visual what you really get and for how much.

Ambit Energy is by far the greatest energy deal I came across in my professional service so far hands down.

If you want to get the lowest rates combined with the real best incentives and with a referral program where you get Free Energy just for helping your friends and family save money on their energy too, fill up the form bellow and get started today.