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Here you'll find the latest announcements on Eth0. Be the first to know if something happened, and register on the Eth0 announce mailinglist:

Announcements Wednesday 21 June 2010

Hi $visitor,

With eth0:2010 summer just three weeks from now, this email contains important
info about eth0:2010 Summer. Please read it and you will be up to date with the
latest and greatest regarding this summers event.

We are looking forward to a great event with lots of geeky stuff and great
weather. If the weather stays like this we are going to have a blast at the
camp fire, lounge, retro tent and bar each night. And if the weather decides to
change... well, we have plenty of geeky hacky stuff indoors to keep you
occupied during those stormy nights. Whatever way it pans out, it is going to
be a great event!

* Program
The call for papers was closed a few weeks ago. The program committee has since
been busy creating a varied and satisfying program.  Some changes are still
going to happen, but you can already check out the preliminary program. [1]
There is still room for a number of lightning talks. If you have something
cool to share let the guys from the program committee know. [2]

* Food
Unlike eth0:2008 Summer or HAR2009, we will NOT be offering a full food
solution. The summer event is too large to cook for everyone while professional
caterers need a larger group. We are working on at least getting a supplier for
all sorts of snacks. But other than that you are expected to arrange your own
food. There are supermarkets in nearby towns and a fast-food delivery service
as well. Information on these facilities (and more) on the wiki. [3]

* Getting there and back again
Getting to eth0:2010 Summer can be quite a journey but we are happy to help you
with some decent directions [4]. You still have to drive there... Unless you
arrive by public transport, in which case we will be picking you up at Den
Oever bus-station where buses (and our shuttle) arrive hourly for the Tuesday
and Friday. Regarding transport on Wednesday and Thursday: get in touch! More
details can be found on the wiki.

* Network
We will be providing GigE connectivity for everyone who brings a length of UTP.
We recommend bringing some 25m per strand to your tent. For the lounge, bring a
few short ends (~5m), and you should be golden. Wireless will be provided in
at least the usual 802.11b/g flavors and most likely also 802.11a. Please
leave WiFi accesspoints at home!

* Stuff to bring
Have a look at the packing list [5] for a general feel. However, a few things
are important and will make your stay a lot more pleasant:
+ Laptop, you will be enjoying this, obviously;
+ 25m UTP, so you will have wired connectivity up to to your tent;
+ A tent, so you have a place to enjoy wired connectivity, and to sleep in;
+ 25m power cable (with ground-fault protection lead), so you have power where
 you sleep.

* Stuff not to bring
- Do not bring your WiFi access point, there is plenty of WiFi around already
- Do not bring your electric barbecue kit (gas and regular coal is fine, as long
 as flames are contained in the device)
- Do not bring a watercooker, toasting iron, coffee machine, or other devices
 that draw insane amounts of power. If you *must* bring these, bring smaller,
 lower-power ones

* Extra-curricular activities
In addition to the lectures and workshops, we have been building and dreaming
up all kinds of other shinies. In 2008 we had a scavhunt [6] and a water rocket
buildof [7], this year our 'extra-curricular activities' will be revealed on
this mailing list and our twitter feed [8] during the next few weeks leading up
to the event.

* Help needed
We are doing all we can here to not mention that particular JFK quote, but we
really could use some of that. We have a ton of cool ideas and surely you do
too. The only way we can get all of that realised though, is with your help.

There is a dedicated wiki page where you can tell us what you are good at and
what you want to do to help out. While you are at it you might want to create
your own user page with more cool stuff, what you are really good at and what
you are planning to do at eth0 [10]

* Free tickets
At eth0:2010 Summer, we'll be piecing together a privacy tool for Bits of
Freedom. With the help of the HXX Foundation we're able to sponsor a few tickets
for people that otherwise can't make the event. All we want in return is for
you to dedicate 2 or more days of code/design to the project.
Additionally, we're looking for people to help us realize the software stack for
the beta release of the TeraByte Dinner Device [11]. If you find yourself
without something to hack on and need a challenge, try your hand at it, and
there's another free ticket up for grabs there.
For eligibility, please contact us [12].

* See you there!
Just three more weeks until eth0:2010 Summer. We will keep you informed via
this mailing list. Expect at least one more message before the event with
the latest news, camping-protips and details. See you August 10th at
Noorderdijkweg 23, 1771 MJ, Wieringerwerf!

The eth0:2010 Summer Crew

[2] <>
[12] <>

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