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Eth1winter pygame size

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"""Simple character counter for Python source code

- Removes all comments that start with a hash (#)
- Removes all whitespace at the beginning and end of the line
- Counts a newline as a single character

def SizeOf(filename):
    source_file = open(filename)
    source_code = [line.strip(' \t\n\r') for line in source_file.readlines()]
    source_code = [line for line in source_code
                   if not line.startswith('#') and line != '']
    return len(' '.join(source_code))
  except IOError:
    print 'Couldn\'t read the file. Check presence / privileges and try again.'
    # Something funky happened if we end up here
    print 'Whoa there! Are you sure this sort of thing is even legal!?'

if __name__ == '__main__':
  import sys
  if not sys.argv[1]:
    print 'The first argument should be a filename to calculate the size of'
  print '\nThe significant charcount of this code is: %d' % SizeOf(sys.argv[1])