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Name Post-Idiopolis
Contact Loup
Duration 2010/09/24 - 2010/09/26
Information Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (cause Drents is so hard to understand) By Gido-E, Drents is scrambled dutch (dont try to understand)

* Ticket price: Tickets? We don't need no stinking Tickets!


It was a time of despair, the comfort of stupidity we had learned to come to terms with have long since disappeared. These were mad times. We stared into the dark void of the future, scratched our balls, and asked ourselves, 'what's next?'.

Also, with no job prospects in the NL in sight, loup will be leaving the country soon for a while. This is going to be a good bye party of sorts.


Read the box


Gido has offered a zuipkeet as a possible location. This is a modified OV bus with room for hacking. Facilities are present, the area is security hardened with SELinux for parties and such. This saves us the trouble of needing party tents, though we might do one or two for shits and giggles. There is plenty of space for camping out too. Picts to come.

Google maps picture (the yellow bus at the end):,+schoolpad&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=53.035373,135.263672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Schoolpad,+Emmen,+Drenthe,+The+Netherlands&layer=c&cbll=52.772371,6.946251&panoid=S9O0QMD_futi6CC7NUb0kg&cbp=12,224.27,,2,3.25&ll=52.772381,6.946083&spn=0.021887,0.066047&t=h&z=15

Google maps EXACT location:,6.944743&sspn=0.001368,0.004128&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=19


  • Wireless network (Internet)
  • Party Bus (Whe can hang around, with bar,music etc..)
  • Fire place
  • Nice enviroment to take a walk. (Who needs to walk when we have Segway scooters? -loup)
  • GHOSTS , cemetery around the corner :)
  • Small house we can use for toilet, running water and so on
  • Shower nearby for 1-2 people
  • If more people need to shower, we need to load balance across Gido's house, 700m away by foot AND/OR CyBaH's house approx. 1-1,2km away.
  • Yo mamma, she serve everyone

What to bring

  • PDT! (Party Tents, Duct tape and Tarps)
  • Laptops
  • Meat
  • Fud
  • Cats
  • Meisjes
  • A sense of je ne sais quoi


  1. Loup
  2. Kitty - Because it's mandatory to have chicks at these events, always
  3. BuZz (25-26 , maybe later ... before 15 sept is near impossible for me)
  4. tg
  5. CyBaH (available: 4 -5 and 25 -26)
  6. psy (when can = 4-5 and 25-26)
  7. Gido-E (available: 4 -5 and 25 -26)
  8. Red_Devil (maybe 25 -26, i prefer later)
  9. p0w Ultra special mega-vip
  10. hackt0r