whizzrd 2k9
From Eth0Wiki
Whizzrd 2k9: Software Freedom Day et Whizzrd Birthday Party | |
Name | Whizzrd 2k9: Software Freedom Day et Whizzrd Birthday Party
When | 2009/09/19 |
Information |
Software Freedom Day
Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Our goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about of the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business -- in short, everywhere!
To celebrate this Whizzrd & Gawin will organize a party in Alkmaar with Team Project072
Whizzrd Birthday Party
Coincidentally it is also Whizzrd his birthday!
A good reason to throw a double party :-)
Eth0, winter edition, location check
On this day eth0 will decide how to use this location for our winter event, map out a rough map, and brainstorm on how to setup the lounge / bars and lecture tents. If you plan on helping out this January, be there!
The party will be located in the Cafetaria of Project072.
- Saturday 19 september 2009
- From 18.00, till ..:..
- Alkmaar, Koelmalaan 310 Google Maps
Some foodstuffs will be available
- Tomatosoup
- Nasi
- Home made Black Forest cake
- Home made Surprise Cake
Please let us know if your also coming and joining us for dinner, and maybe bring some 'knabbels'
- Beer on drought
- Prosecco on drought
- Coffee / Tea
- some Club-Mate
Please bring some soft-drinks / juices