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Revision as of 10:18, 22 February 2011 by Failbaitr (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'The idea is to have a self contained box that anyone can build, and change that can be setup on a field / in a building before anyone else comes in. Starts taking pictures trough…')
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The idea is to have a self contained box that anyone can build, and change that can be setup on a field / in a building before anyone else comes in. Starts taking pictures trough any and all connected webcams/camera's and stores a timelapse on its storage media.

This box would stay online during the entire event and easily and without any extra steering needed create a nice timelapse video for every connected camera.

Software options

  • open source only? so every conference / organisation can build one themselves

Hardware options

  • non exotic stuff
  • laptop / atom / via mini-itx?
  • ups / batteries for power?